Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
5fish Android 964 0 964 834
5fish Ranking 1 200 0 200 199
5fish Ranking 2 107 4 103 37
5fish Ranking 3 170 0 170 169
5fish Ranking 4 55 0 55 55
Common Terms 654 0 654 516
GAP 12 0 12 12
Location Names 19 0 19 19
Product and Track Titles 22 0 22 22
Product Descriptions 99 0 99 99
Promotional Materials 52 0 52 52
Rekordo 4 0 4 4
Web Buttons and Menus 36 0 36 36
Web Headings and Titles 39 0 39 39
Web Technical Terms 92 0 92 92
Web Text 334 0 334 334

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